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Expert Tile Installation

Contact Us (617) 580-7693

tile flooring installation
Garcia Tile Installation provides high-quality tile installation services for residential and commercial properties.

Whether you’re looking to revamp the kitchen or update the bathroom with a fresh new look, Garcia Tile Installation has the skill and craftsmanship needed to help you achieve your desired results.  Let us make your tile project dreams come true!

Contact us for a free consultation and we’ll be happy to answer all of your décor questions.

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Transform Your Home with Quality Tile Installation!


Garcia Tile Installation is your one-stop shop for all your tile needs.
From design consultation to professional installation, our team of expert craftsmen have over
20 years of experience in the craftsmanship and installation of exquisite tiling solutions.
We specialize in intricate flooring designs, custom counter tops, detailed wall features, and more – all using only the highest quality materials available.
Our attention to detail, combined with an exacting eye for the perfect pattern or design, ensures that your tile will look amazing today and last a lifetime.
No matter what project you are working on – whether a complete home renovation or just enhancing a single room –
Garcia Tile Installation has the expertise and skill to bring beauty to your home.
Contact us today – and together we’ll make your dream tile vision come true.
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